Hum.. I am out of ideas,but this makes me think of your computer. Reading the Zplane 11 manual a bit it seriously recommended a new PC. New in it's words were anything past 24 to 36 months might not jive well with Beta 11. How old is yours?
Maybe it is a simple thing with USB ports not being seen. Your symptoms seem to be a simple thing maybe where your PC doesn't see them through the Xplane 11. Might sound silly, but maybe switch em around and see it it will all of a sudden see your controls. "?"
Maybe unplug them and plug them back in during game play?
This just shouldn't be happening. My Xplane 11 is running quite smooth. Ya know... off subject...but I am a FA/18 Hornet freak and since I finally bought a machine that smokes, I went with LM Academic and loaded the VRS Bug
Man it is smoking hot! I then loaded the steam version and it smokes as well.
Your controls work on other sims I am assuming yes? of the coolest features in Xplane 11 is the control set up and how easily it recognizes out hardware. Ok.. this is stupid but I actually did it too... are you forgetting to click the arrow down and assign your stick and throttle to the assignments within the aircraft? Like right after you calibtrate the units then there are arrows you click on and that menu box will drop?... and you click what you want your stick or throttle to touch so it will be there? Your actual symptoms describe the effect of not assigning it after calibrating it right on that same page in settings?
This is my home town here in Fresno. I can recognize the Yosemite International Airport as I have sat right in the building. And down from where my FA/18-E took off from is by Mckinley and Clovis Ave. right where the national guard parks. You can see that building from Mckinley.