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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
So, I've played around a little with X plane 11. I understand its in beta, but thought I'd give some feedback as to my issue. So my computers in the recommended scope of the required graphics, however I will be stationary in a Cessna in a field (airport). And will be hitting FPS of around 25, this was on High Settings, V sync off, no engine running. so I decided to turn things down till eventually I hit graphically "rock bottom". yet my frame rate was only improved by +3fps on average. so no matter what setting I have it on there is no major difference. is this a common issue? or perhaps there is something I am missing?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
This seems like it would be pretty unusual, although possibly caused by the CPU being a limited factor even at minimum settings. I have a pretty old machine and I see a big difference between min settings and max settings (25 vs 2 fps respectively).
commented by (19.3k points)
Upload your log.txt which will have exact specs and I can track this as part of the "weird graphics and fps complaints" bug we have. :)
commented by (12 points)

Cheers, I wondered. Because as far as I can see everything adds up. note that It was the test whilst in the air which caused the 5fps difference between max and min.



commented by (19.3k points)
Your log shows you have an AMD graphics card, and we recently figured out a rendering bug that should come out in the next beta. So AMD users should see a FPS boost in the next week or two.
commented by (12 points)
Sounds good, I wasn't sure as to if it was me or the game. but am looking forward to future updates.
