G'day Peter,
Gee, I hope I don't have to wait that long mate. You have my sympathy with your D/L speeds, I wouldn't say mine are spasmodic, they're bad all the time. So much for technology in Australia, Where was it we stood? something like 35th on the global speed scale and here they are making a complete mess of the Internet with a half baked NBN. I still have up to two years to wait for rotten speeds. It's not even going to be Fibre to the end of the street, it's now Fibre to a box "somewhere" close (up to 2 km I heard) So basically 21st century to "the Box" and 19th Century to my computer.
Let's hope they can figure out where we stand with a copy of X-plane 11. If it's download only I'll simply stick with 9 and 10. As it stands it looks as if it'll take me 3 to 4 months to download the lot if it's in 1gb chunks. If it's in bigger chunks I wouldn't be able to consider it. It took me 4 goes to download Prepar3D and it was much smaller than x-plane.
Anyway. I've waited for 6 months now, I don't mind waiting a bit longer :-) I wish you luck in getting your hands on a copy Peter, All the best to you. Say G'day to my sister Joan next time you bump into her, She's in Hobart. :-) Cheers Stu