Thanks for your help! I have a yoke (Yoko), Saitek Rudder pedals, and the Virtual Fly TQ6 plugged in, and they are all correctly calibrated according to the calibration window. But perhaps there is a conflict with past equipment even though it is not plugged in? If that isn't possible, then this doesn't seem to be my problem. I got some advice from Virtual Fly, and now have Throttle 2, Prop 2, and Mixture 2 working in the default Baron, but I'm getting flickering in the sim for all three number 1's and none of them affect the left engine (or any engine). Any more ideas?
I can also add that in X-plane 10.5, the throttle, prop, and mixture levers all seem to be working properly in the default Baron, but the plane won't fly, that is, at full throttle it creeps forward very slowly, and this doesn't seem to have anything to do with the brakes or parking brake (as far as I can tell). I don't know if this helps, but at the moment I can't fly in 11 or 10.5, so I'm grounded until I get this figured out. Any more help would be greatly appreciated!