To practice landing the F4-E phantom, I select my airport on the Map. Using the Move feature, I select my runway's Final Approach. X-Plane sets me on the approach, 3 nm out, 1000 feet AGL, at about 200 k. My throttle is already back at Idle. Right away I select Gear down, and Speedbrake down.
The runway is in my windshield. As I descend, the airspeed increases to 300 k, and I float over the runway, wondering how to get down. At the far end of the runway, I gradually pull up to avoid the terrain, and maybe climb another 1000 feet AGL, and the airspeed keeps speeding up to 320 or more.
Throttle is still idle, but it won't slow down!
What do I have to do to get this monster onto the ground?