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asked by (12 points)

I just got x-plane 11 and since then I had fps issue. First off, here are my computer's spec:

-MacBook Pro running on High Sierra OS 10.13.4

-Proccessor 2,5 Ghz intel core i5

-16 GB DDR3 1600 Mhz

- Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB

When flying on a cessna skyhawk with default settings (High on both texture and visual effects), in the cockpit the fps was around 4.3-ish, while a grand max of 15 fps could be reached during flight, outside if the cockpit. I tried the default and the zibo 737, starting with an fps of 0.0085 (yes, 0.0085) while the max that could be reached was 0.1 fps outside the cockpit. I did manage to reach around 10 fps and could actually fly the 737 but I never managed this again. Then I went on the x-plane website and it advised to lower the settings. I lowered them to medium, which augmented my fps by 1. Then I went to minimal everywhere, even with objects. It gives me an fps of 20 OUTSIDE the cockpit and a mere 11 fps inside the cockpit. Of course, using the sim with these settings is just unacceptable. I can't even have the airport's terminal  on such settings plus the pixelization on the plane! I have a few mods like BetterPushback and Airportnavigator, but the fps was the same before and after the mods and I also tried to disable them. The difference on fps was only 0.1. I didn't even bother trying a 747 with such results. Can anybody help? I changed my ram, I updated my MacOS, I did everything I could but to no avail. I read that most people manage a fps of 50 and above on high settings plus heavy mods like x-life and reshade. I highly doubt it's a bug, but any viable explanation and/or solutions are more than welcome. Thank you so much.
commented by (12 points)

Here is the Log.txt.

I managed to slightly augment my setting but I am still getting a fps between 4-12

Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)
Attach your log.txt file so others can possibly determine what is causing your problem.

commented by (12 points)

Here is the Log.txt.

I managed to slightly augment my setting but I am still getting a fps between 4-12

Thanks for your help.
