I am getting a consistent crash to the desktop as I cross the Sierra Nevada on a route from Vegas to Napa, in either direction. My log states:
0:38:39.705 W/SCN: Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/apt.dat:
0:38:39.705 W/SCN: Traffic flow rule of airport O22 found in file indicated above does not contain a valid 1100 runway use rule. Without runway, the rule is incomplete. I'm ignoring this rule.
0:38:39.705 W/SCN: Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/apt.dat:
0:38:39.705 W/SCN: Traffic flow rule of airport O22 found in file indicated above does not contain a valid 1100 runway use rule. Without runway, the rule is incomplete. I'm ignoring this rule.
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: [XPLM_PLUGIN_XPLANE]}==--
I have received the crash in both the Cirrus Vision and the Aerobask Eclipse Add-On. Usually at a height of FL270-FL350. Traffic is usually in the vicinity. Otherwise the sim is stable in other places, took a flight from Napa to SFO in the Cessna, flew well, took a flight from Meigs to ORD in the Cessna, flew well, flew over Phuket in Thailand for an hour even at 4x groundspeed, no issues. The previous log mentioned a problem in the apt.dat in the Global Scenery, custom scenery folder.