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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I am investigating X-Plane as a viable option as an image generator for our flight sim. Can you drive a custom aircraft that is imported in the engine using our flight sim with UDP connectivity?  Is there already a standard plugin that allows you to drive the 6DOF flight characteristics of the 3D aircraft model in the world?  Basically we just need the world and its graphics not the built-in flight simulator.

I'm not looking for an exhaustive answer here just more of "yes, you can do that!" and maybe for further investigation you can point me in the direction of documents that talk about it.

Thank you.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (175 points)
I believe you can. I am working towards this myself with a 737 build.
There are a number of Facebook Groups which are very helpful as many people are on this path.
Hope this helps
commented by (12 points)
I forgot about this question. Months ago I did find out about their simple but effective eternal interface to provide 6DOF input.  You can also use their plug-in environment which is what we would have done as opposed to the UDP external interface.  However, part of the camera control included the ability to provide sensor simulation features as well.  Those features were not suppoted and became the show stopper for us so we went with another solution.  X-Plane is not developed to fully function with an external driver so good luck in your development.  You will most likely have to do most things in your own plug-ins.