Hi 2ndWindWriter
I'm not with Laminar Research, just a fellow simmer in the UK.
From your comments I suspect that you have either COM1 (Garmin 530) or COM2 (Garmin 430) actively tuned into the frequency for ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service), for the airport you are located i.e. 121.875.
ATIS is a service that provides weather information that repeats itself on a loop, something that oddly enough, still works even with XP11 in pause mode!
To cancel the ATIS message, do one of the following, in reference to the photo below.
1. Turn off the relevant COM1 or 2 button above the Garmin 530 panel, as highlighted red in the photo
2. Change the COM1 or 2 standby frequency to something other than that for ATIS and press the C button to the left to make that new frequency active, as highlighted in yellow and green.
Hope this helps