I have been lifting some of the burden, I suppose, off of jroberts. I would not, for the record, say my answers apply ubiquitously, as I am not affiliated with Laminar Research, and as such, cannot claim to act as representation.
With that out of the way, I am glad you saw my point! Just as you said your post was aimed to enlighten the many who view it, so was my post there. I really want people to understand, as you do, that just because they own X-Plane 10 they can't really not pay for X-Plane 11. Ethically, I don't really see why people don't want to pay for it, and economically, it would be a disaster for Laminar Research if everybody got a discount!
Okay... now it's time for a mildly off topic anecdote:
I was really glad to see that X-Plane was put onto Steam. This seemed to bring a much larger market to the X-Plane platform. I suppose Laminar Research benefitted from this, and that is GREAT for us users in the long run. But man, looking through those so-called Steam "reviews"... it was brutal! A large chunk of the people who purchased X-Plane were either expected too much graphically or had no idea what to expect.
That is why I am especially glad for X-Plane 11. It brings a whole new layer of graphical enhancement, as well as customer ergonomics that X-Plane 10 had not really achieved, ultimately making it an all-around more attractive sim for the average Steam-goer. Of course, Steam tends to fail to represent the true X-Plane community... those of use who have stuck by its side no matter what (even with those recent 10.50 Beta bugs lol). I can't really comprehend how far flight simulators have come! X-Plane 11 is another of those steps, years in the making. I am excited.
Joe N.