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+1 vote
asked by (13 points)
The current axes and buttons can be saved under "Save as Default for ..." . The Filename can be specified. But the file can not be reloaded and the comand "Reset to Defaults for ..." does not work.
commented by (13 points)
The joystick button settings are saved in the file Joystick Settings.prf in the preferences folder but not reloaded when I resume the flight.
commented by (11 points)
I use Mac, and my file also can not be reloaded.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
I do not see this. I used a joystick that has a preset config file provided in X-Plane 11. I modified one of the button assignments, the quit and restarted X-Plane. The button assignments was as I had changed it.

Please be more specific and try to describe exactly what you are doing to see this issue--every button you press, etc.
commented by (13 points)
I use linux (Ubuntu 16.4) and X-Plane 10 an 11b3. I fly the helis Bell 412 and Bell 429. i am using the joystick "Proflight Trainer". In X-Plane 10 everthing is o.k. In X-Plane 11 the joystick buttons are correctly assigned in the file Joystick settings.prf in the preferences folder. But restarting X-plane and resume of the flight does not reassign the buttons. Eventually it is a problem of the airplanes (helis). The assignment should work as follows:

_joy_BUTN_use4 412/buttons/beep_trim_roll_right
_joy_BUTN_use5 412/buttons/beep_trim_pitch_up
_joy_BUTN_use6 412/buttons/beep_trim_roll_left
_joy_BUTN_use7 412/buttons/beep_trim_pitch_down