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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
((((Please READ ALL))) I have tried the demo multiple times in the past two years and everytime even on my new gaming machine there is only runnways with no buildings or scenery anywhere just water.  Is this seriously how the game comes?  I would expect some ground scenery stock already paying 50 bucks for base game.  I really would like to give xplane a real chance on my channel but xplane 9 thru 11 each demo does same thing.  Please explain if there is something I can do or if this is how it comes and you have to buy the scenery extra (which I would never do)  unless its an addon scenery like msfs.  I have asked this multiple times before but never get a real answer.  and takes forever to get the answer.  I am using a new login name hoping that will help. thank you for your time, Robert. PS.  the 20 min demo is ridiculous.  It does not give you time to evaluate the sim.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (1k points)
So that we can help you, which version are you trying to use?  XP9, XP10, or XP11? Secondly, are you using DVD's, or a downloaded version?
commented by (12 points)
Now.... its the demo version of xplane 11  download.  so the devs don't answer anymore they leave it to the community? oh thanks for the reply.
commented by (1k points)
You're welcome.  Glad to help.
0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)

Hi ronin516,

In the first instance I have no connection with Laminar Research either physically or electronically.

I understand your frustration with the short time period of use with the demo versions.

I understand the demo is restricted to one airport in the USA and virtually has no (or limited) scenery.  

The full acquired versions do have scenery for use.  I have XP10 on the DVD boxed set.  All the scenery has been loaded although I will and have used a small area.

I also understand that the later XP11 beta versions have or will fix a known problem where scenery has been limited to 60 degrees north or 60 degrees south of the equator.

I am surprised that you have had little response to asking questions directly to XPlane (Laminar Research).  I have found their response rate very quick considering I live on the opposite side of the world and their time lag is in the order of 16 hours behind me. I can lodge a query with them late evening, my time and will have a response next morning, my time.    Try using the following link at [email protected]

Hope this helps.



commented by (12 points)
Thank you for the answer and time.  I have been putting off buying xplane because of that issue and I wanted to compare with msfsx.  but seems to be impossible to compare without trying the full version of xplane.  Does xplane have tons of addons and extras/third party scenery planes etc that are really really good?
commented by (5.3k points)

Hi ronin516,

Apologies for the delayed response.

There are "tons of addons" available for X-plane.  The number products is growing as more and more flight simmers change over from FSX.  A reputable gaming store should have a flight sim section holding X-plane software.

I have no connection with the following company.  There is a dedicated "shop" available for X-plane users which can be found at  They have over 25,000 products available (see bottom of home page).  This company is not associated with Laminar Research. 

In addition, this company has a dedicated forum for X-plane users who have developed their own software and made available for other users.  This link is at  Most of the products (look down RHS of page) are "freeware" while some are "payware" and in the odd instance "donate ware"

Hope this also helps as well

