I'm looking to purchase XP11 and after trying the latest beta, the FPS is an issue. My FPS is literally stuck around 20-25 (never reached 30 though I got a good PC-specs at the bottom). In XP10, medium rendering settings would get me 30+ FPS whereas in XP11, 20 FPS.

As you can see, the FPS is barely hitting 20 which brings me to my suggestion for the rendering settings
There are BARELY any options to customize the rendering settings
XP10 has tree settings, building settings, car settings, etc whereas XP11 has none of that.
Are there going to be more customizable rendering options? (that is the biggest concern I have currently-hopefully it will be fixed when XP11 goes final)

PC Specs
I7 4770k @3.5 ghz
Nvidia GTX 970 with 4 gb VRAM
Samsung 850 Evo 256 gb SSD
16 gb RAM
MSI Z87-G41 Motherboard