I'm having a problem getting the Steam Controller to work with X-Plane (64-bit, global edition). X-Plane is supposed to work with any DirectInput joystick, gamepad, etc., and that's what the Steam Controller is supposed to be emulating. X-Plane works fine with all my wired USB gamepads, yokes, and sticks.
When I use a generic joystick/gamepad profile for the Steam Controller, X-Plane doesn't recognize it. The X-Plane calibration tab is blank, as if nothing's plugged in. Likewise, none of the controller buttons register on X-Planes's button-configuration tab. Some controls and inputs do seem to pass keystrokes along to X-Plane, but not the keystrokes I configured it to send. The D-pad and the joystick both send keystrokes instead of stick inputs. The right trackpad and left trigger do still emulate a mouse/trackball and associated left-click. They are the only thing that works correctly.
This seems similar to a previously-posted Linux controller problem, but this is on Windows 8.1. Any idea what may be happening? Any way to get the Steam Controller to use the correct profile so it looks like a gamepad to X-Plane?
Thanks for your help,