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I got X-Plane 11 last night, and waited for it to download. Once I open the link on Steam to play, everything seems normal as it says that it's installing everything. I get to the point where it says "Finishing Asynchronous Loading.". 45 minutes later, it's still at the same position. I don't want to waste my money on a fantastic looking simulator that won't for me. I also DO NOT want to get RAM which I have the required amount already.
I hope I can get my answer on how to fix this problem very soon!
I tried one method, but is it not okay if it says "Finishing Asynchronous Loading."?
I can include a log.txt file, do you want me to?
I tried the method with removing the Preferences folder and moving to the desktop and trying to run it.
You are the one who wants an answer very soon, right? :)
I do not think I will be able to help you more than what I did, but your log.txt will be very helpful to Laminar Research when they read your question, and this is why they ask for it.
Okay, so do you make a log.txt file or is it found in the folder for X-Plane 11? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I'm just new to this. Thanks for the help suggestions though.
Oh wait, I found it nevermind... :P. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!
The link above is my log.txt file.
Okay, thanks for the support! The log.txt is still being checked, so that is probably why you don't see it.
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