Thanks for responding to my questions. I appreciate it. I shot an email to Carenado/Alabeo to see if they had some custom dref (or something) overriding rel engsep0=6. No word.
Also, it may be helicopter specific problem due to mast bumping. I minimized the occurrence of the failure (In planemaker; ...I believe it was due to mast bumping in the helicopter), I think, by increasing the degrees of pitch/roll the helicopter can incur before mast bumping takes place.
I believe I may have found another bug. This one in planemaker. When you hover, with your cursor, over degrees/pitch option in planemaker; a context window says you can set values to 0 to eliminate mast bumping completely. But, if I save it as 0, planemaker changes the value back to whatever it was to begin with, when I save.
Best and Thanks