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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I've just installed XPLANE 11.3. But since this update, Flyinside XP doesn't work anymore. And if I activate VR in XPLANE SETUP, I just obtain a crash reporter message. Thank you to solve these problems to continue using an HTC VIVE with your software.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (2.2k points)
Hi MikeBravo

I'm not from Laminar Research, just a fellow simmer in the UK, but as you will see from the following link, FlyInside has been discontinued in terms of support for X-Plane 11, from the 11.30 release onward.

Sorry, but hope this helps clarify matters for you?

commented by (12 points)
Thank you Greengolfer, but my question is: could it be possible to use XPLANE11.3 with a HTC VIVE display? And, in the affirmative, what is the solution?

Best regards
commented by (2.2k points)

Hi MikeBravo

Thanks for the update, understood although sadly my working knowledge of VR in X-Plane is limited.

I have found the following link to X-Plane's instructions for VR in general, albeit that this relates to release 11.20 and not 11.30, but I guess that the same principals apply.

Also, you may wish to look at Bambino Games website and in particular their YouTube video, as they seem to specialise in VR.

Hope this helps and sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.

