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0 votes
asked by (20 points)


I have a Joystick Saitek Cyborg V1 Flight Stick and I set my configurations as image below.

My problem is, when I press the button 0 (Hold brakes regular), a have to more actions like Beacon and Strobe lights toggle. How to fix it ?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (2.2k points)

Hi Gorio

I'm not with Laminar Research, just a fellow simmer in the UK, but I was having exactly the same problem as you in the Cessna Skyhawk, Beechcraft Baron 58 and the King Air C90B.

Basically whenever I depressed the joystick trigger to apply the brakes and then released it again, it would also somehow toggle the beacon and strobe light switches off. 

If I held the brakes on, then the beacon and strobe lights would work normally, but as soon as I released the brakes, both lights would be switched off!

Activating the parking brake from within the cab or pressing the 'B' key on the keyboard, did not cause this problem??

I couldn't find much at all about this problem in any forums, so started by taking all of my plugins out of the C:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins folder and lo and behold, both the beacon and strobe lights worked perfectly no matter whether the brakes were on or off!

Eventually by trial and error, I found the culprit to be the XPUIPC plugin and when I put all of my plugins back into the C:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins folder (except the XPUIPC folder) everything worked as it should.

I then found the following website where I could download a later version of the XPUIPC plugin (ver:, installed it in the Plugins folder and the problem was fixed:-

Something not quite right with the original XPUIPC folder (ver:

Hope this helps :-)

