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0 votes
asked by (14 points)

I've been having an issue with both gps (430 and 530) in which there's an unlisted initial waypoint leg that does not appear in my flight plan but it is affecting the initial waypoint distance from departure. For example, I want to fly from KSQL to KMRY with a correct flight plan loaded (about 102 miles) however the gps shows a distance to the first waypoint of 6,200 miiles!!! It seems to me that there's a waypoint residing in the gps that does not show up in the flight plan. Is there a way to reset the gps so that this "unidentified waypoint" can be erased?

Thank you!!!

commented by (272 points)
I'm not sure, but the problem could be this: Navaids in the real world have limited range, so different areas of the world can use the same frequencies. Unsure about the names, but maybe X-Plane finds another navaid with either the same frequency or the same name. I had such problems in older versions of X-Plane (like 8 and 9).

And I thin resetting the GPS won't help; loading another flight plan might help. Or you couöld try to hack the flight plan with an editor, entering absolute GPS coordinates in place of a navaid name.
commented by (14 points)
Thank you for your reply to my question crashdummy. My problem has been solved!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (19.3k points)
You can try resetting your preferences: move, rename, or delete the entire preferences folder found under the Output folder. That might reset any unintended data in the GPS, but I've not checked that myself.

Otherwise, double check that old information has been deleted from the active flight plan in the GPS. You will not be able to remove the current airport, but I was able to clear everything else.
commented by (272 points)
Maybe X-Plane should have a function "upgrade flight plan" that updates the coordinates of named nav targets to current values ;-)
commented by (14 points)
Thank you for your reply to my question jroberts. My problem has been solved!
commented by (14 points)
OK, so how did you solve it? Help others please.