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asked by (16 points)


I have noticed that a local airport has disappeared from x plane,i.e the buildings have all vanished.  The airport in question is Hawarden (egnr) .  

Can anyone suggest a reason why this may have happened.


j jordan.

commented by (16 points)

I just opened X-Plane (v.1132r2) and indeed, there is no 3D scenery at EGNR. 

I went to the gateway EGNR page and downloaded the latest 3D by anthony_d and copied the folder inside the .zip to Custom Scenery, then re-fired X-Plane and the buildings and everything is there.

Not certain why the download link indicates that EGNR is already included in the version 11.05 through 11.25...perhaps it's not included for some reason in 11.32r2?

Nevertheless, please try the above procedure; it did work for me.

Kind regards.

commented by (272 points)
Please fix the title: The airposrt is still there; maybe the buildings are missing.

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