If they is the case then it would have been nice to hear from the support person that blew me off over the course of several emails back and forth with him.
Anyway, I tried this and don't notice any change. A full aileron deflection bank change from 30 deg left to 30 deg right, without touching the rudder pedals, barely made the ball go past the center. Looking at the control deflection data output also shows that during this type of maneuver the software isn't seeing the rudder deflecting either. It only shows a noticeable change in deflection when I actually am pushing on the rudder pedals. ARGH!
Though when I go to the control profile from the main menu it says that I have the augmentation set at 100% but when I go to the menu during a flight it says that the augmentation is 0% (always) and I can't change it. I don't know what that means but it's another frustration inducer.
Maybe I should just try P3D or go back to FSX, this is stupid and the lack of support from Laminar Research is disappointing.