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0 votes
asked by (26 points)
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If nothing specific is recommended, maybe you could provide me with values that some of your other users use? I'm flying the R22, mostly.
commented by (272 points)
You could add more tags, like "configuration".
commented by (26 points)
Thanks. Done.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)
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Best answer

Hi AH1F,

I am not from Laminar Research; just a flight simmer from downunder.

I know it is some time since you asked your question.  Have you solved the problem.

Here is a mathematical approach solution.  Have a look at the following link from Russ Barlow found at


+1 vote
answered by (3.5k points)
I don't think there is any recommended values for the Field Of View and distance. It's mainly a personal choice.
In average, it has no impact on the frames per second.

It's all about finding the good balance between being able to read gauges and seeing enough elements of the scenery.

If you can not rotate the camera easily, you might prefer a wider FOV.

For me, I have a Full HD 21" screen, 1 meter away from my eyes, and I like to set the FOV at 85°. Sometimes I chose 60° instead.

You may also find it convenient to move the camera backwards, adjust the zoom and save the view with ctrl+numpad. You can then call the view with the numpad key you used to save it.

Hope this helps,
0 votes
answered by (272 points)

Having a five year old 24" flat screen, I think a 17" screen is rather small. Also, 17" says nothing about the pixel dimensions (i.e.: resolution). My screen has more than Full-HD resolution.

I think there are two distances, and you should pick your viewing distance in between:

  1. The closest distance you can still read without stressing your eye. That depends on age and on your reading glasses ;-)
  2. The distance when you see more than just your screen without moving the eye. Obviously you loose detail if you go furthe back that that.

Obviously a larger screen dimension doesn't help you for 1., but it would help you for 2. Higher resolution can help you if you can get close to the screen without eye-stress.

commented by (26 points)
Resolution is 1080.  And, I was able to come up with a slightly larger screen. 20" horizontal x 11.5 inch vertical.
commented by (26 points)
Also, it would be nice to match geometric FOV and visual angle; but, with such a small screen you run into flatness cue issues due to accommodation and convergence of the eyes.  

So, I was just wondering what configs were out there being used.


1) How big is the screen you mentioned and resolution?

2) What's the distance from your eyeshot the screen?

3) What FOV do you have set/prefer for flying the sim?